Pac Miner: It’s a Scam! Don’t Be the Next Victim

Pac Miner apparently scammed a 800,000 people in Ghana out of $6 million! And now, the big shots in Ghana are saying, ‘Enough is enough!’ They officially declared Pac Miner a scam. They Issued an arrest warrant on the CEO, Ronaldinho De Assis. The cops are on the hunt to bring him in for messing with so many Ghanaians’ money.

What Is The Pac Miner Crypto Mining

Back in 2018, Pac Miner stepped into the crypto world, offering regular people a chance to get in on the action. How? Well, they sold this thing called cloud mining services to everyday investors.

Now, cloud mining is like a shortcut for regular people to jump into the crypto mining game. Instead of dealing with all the techy and expensive hardware stuff, you basically buy computing power from a mining company (in this case, Pac Miner). Then, both you and the company share the cryptocurrencies that get mined.

It’s a way for anyone, even if you’re not a tech wizard, to dip their toes into the crypto world. So, Pac Miner opened the door for amateur investors to join the crypto fun without all the complicated tech and gear.

Red Flags Of Pac Miner

Strange Business Model

While most cloud mining companies keep it straightforward, Pac Miner introduced a multi-level marketing system, where you earn commissions for getting others to buy mining contracts. It’s not the usual setup.

“Tax-Free” Withdrawal Day

Pac Miner had this odd policy where, once a month, you could pull out your cash without their usual 15% withdrawal fee. This is uncommon in the industry and raised eyebrows.

Abrupt Shift to Cameroon

Legit businesses don’t just up and move countries suddenly. Pac Miner, after building up a customer base in Ghana, made an unexpected shift to Cameroon. This kind of move is highly irregular.

Surge of Scam Accusations

Customers and watchdogs started voicing concerns about potential scams. Trustpilot reviews flooded with terms like “scam” and “scammed.” Communication reportedly vanished during Christmas 2023, leaving customers stranded.

Scam Detector Warnings

Independent scam detection site,, analyzed Pac Miner’s website and flagged multiple red flags, indicating potential risks or fraudulent activities.

Rebranding as Miner Cameroon

After the move to Cameroon, warnings surfaced about another possible exit scam around Christmas and New Year 2023. Rebranding efforts often indicate attempts to distance from previous issues.

Official Declaration of Scam Operation

After reportedly scamming a $6 million from around 800,000 Ghanaians, the authorities in Ghana didn’t mince words. They officially declared Pac Miner an illegal scam operation.

Arrest Warrant for CEO Ronaldinho De Assis

Adding to the drama, the Ghanaian authorities issued an arrest warrant for Ronaldinho De Assis, the big shot behind Pac Miner. This move confirmed that the top guy is on the run, avoiding the law after being accused of defrauding hundreds of thousands of Ghananians.

Pac Miner: It’s a Scam! Don’t Be the Next Victim

Pac Miner isn’t just a failed business it’s a crypto scam that specifically targeted people in Ghana and Cameroon. They pulled off this whole act with clever marketing tricks and pretending to be legit, but it was all just a setup.

They played it smart, making people trust them and then, They ran off with the cash, especially around Christmas. And now, everyone, the victims, watchdog sites, and even the law agrees that Pac Miner was up to no good.

See also: Jacquielawson ecards scam or legit

Looking back, there were plenty of signs that something fishy was going on:

  1. They had this weird MLM-style payment thing.
  2. Talk about sketchy – they had days where you could supposedly take out money tax-free.
  3. Suddenly, they switched from Ghana to Cameroon and rebranded as “Miner”
  4. No official company papers – big red flag.
  5. The guy in charge, Ronaldinho De Assis? he’s on the run, wanted by the law.


Take the lesson from Pac Miner scam and be super careful with any crypto investment thing that comes your way. Even if it looks legit, dig deep and stay sharp to avoid falling into these sneaky traps!.

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