Phishing Scams Scam: Beware of This Malicious Link!

X3fov info is a scam website used by scammers pretending to work in Google, Walmart or USPS. These scammers send fake system warnings, notifications, or order confirmations that tell you to visit the link

With online scams springing up every day, we have taken the responsibility of reviewing products, stores, websites etc for our reader’s financial safety.

This review expose everything you need to know about the text message , and why it is fraudulent.

How Does X3fov info Scam Work?

The text message is created by scammers who aim to steal account credentials, personal and financial information. When you call the fake technical support number, the scammers will claim they are from Microsoft, Google Amazon, or other tech companies. 

This is where the scam comes in.

These scammers will trick into visiting a phishing websites that steal account credentials, personal and financial information. They may even ask you to grant them remote access to your computers, which will allow them to install spyware or other malware.

See one of the fake text messages below

USPS: the arranged delivery for the package 1z66246 has been changed. Please confirm here: insert this link here

And another

you have (1) new message from google

Have you been tricked by this scam? please change your online passwords, and have someone trustworthy check your computer for spyware or malware that the scammers may have installed.

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