Urban Outfitters Class Action Lawsuit: Is It A Genuine Class Action? Read This

Did you hear about the Urban Outfitters Class Action Lawsuit? It is not a scam.

Urban Outfitters is caught up in a legal tangle, They’re being sued because they apparently slipped trackers into their marketing emails. Now, why is this a big deal? Well, using these trackers without getting the green light first breaks the rules laid out in Arizona’s Telephone, Utility, and Communication Service Records Act.

Who Is Behind The Urban Outfitters Class Action Lawsuit

What’s the fuss about? Well, it turns out they embedded sneaky trackers into their marketing emails.

Now, why is this a problem? According to the lawsuit, Urban Outfitters didn’t ask for permission from customers before playing the tracker game. That’s a no-no under Arizona’s Telephone, Utility, and Communication Service Records Act.

However, The lawsuit claims that many companies are guilty of this. Urban Outfitters is said to be using Inbox Monster, an email tracking system that dances with another system called Salesforce, according to the lawsuit.

How Much Is The Settlement

Tomi Hartley, an Arizona local, was clicking away on Urban Outfitters’ emails from August 2022 to November 2023. What Tomi didn’t sign up for was the secret trackers in those emails.

However, Tomi and the gang aren’t just sitting back. They want Urban Outfitters to pay up – real damages, a piece of the email profit pie, a grand for each email snooped on without permission, and the usual legal fees.


In conclusion, Hartley v. Urban Outfitters Inc., Case No. 2:23-cv-04891, is not a scam. Just like Sovereign Lending Group Settlement, Tomi Hartley, an Arizona local, was clicking away on Urban Outfitters’ emails from August 2022 to November 2023.

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