Social Media Suicide Lawsuit: Is It A Legit Class Action? Find Out

Did you hear about the Social Media Suicide Lawsuit? It’s not a scam.

Snapchat and TikTok are in some serious trouble because of a lawsuit. It’s about a 12-year-old girl from Georgia who passed away. The claim is that these social media apps, Snapchat and TikTok, pushed explicit ads her way and messed up her sleep schedule. This apparently caused her a lot of stress and sadness, leading to a really tragic ending. So, the lawsuit is basically saying these apps made a bad situation even worse for this young girl.

Who Is Behind The Social Media Suicide Lawsuit

Snapchat and TikTok are in some serious trouble because of a lawsuit. It’s about a 12-year-old girl from Georgia, Breezy Carter, who sadly took her own life. The lawsuit claims that these social media apps bombarded her with explicit ads and messed up her sleep by keeping her up at night.

Breezy started using TikTok and Snapchat when she was just 10, and even though her mom tried to get her to stop, Snapchat let her make a new account easily. According to her mom, Breezy’s mental health went downhill fast after using these apps, leading to her tragic death.

The lawsuit is saying that Snapchat and TikTok knew their platforms could mess with people’s mental health, but they didn’t do anything about it. It’s like they knew there was a problem but didn’t bother to fix it, and that, the lawsuit says, contributed to Breezy’s untimely death.

How Much Is The Settlement

There is no settlement amount for now.

The lawsuit is saying that Snapchat and TikTok used fancy technology, like AI, to recommend things to the girl and show her content that was harmful. This included stuff that made her compare herself to others and explicit content that her parents couldn’t keep an eye on.

The claim is that Breezy didn’t actively look for this disturbing stuff; instead, the social media apps just sent it to her without her asking for it. It’s like if your phone started showing you weird things without you even wanting to see them.


Garland v. Snap Inc., et al., Case No. 24SMCV00011, in the Superior Court of California, is not a scam. Just like LoanCare Data Breach Class action, The lawsuit is saying that Snapchat and TikTok knew their platforms could mess with people’s mental health, but they didn’t do anything about it. It’s like they knew there was a problem but didn’t bother to fix it, and that, the lawsuit says, contributed to Breezy’s untimely death.

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