Shutterfly False Reference Lawsuit: Is It Genuine? Must Read
Did you receive the Shutterfly False Reference Lawsuit email? It is not a scam, you received it because you filed for a claim.
Shutterfly got into some trouble for apparently not playing fair with their discounts. There’s a class action lawsuit, and now there’s a settlement. The claim is that they were a bit tricky with their advertised discounts on stuff you buy from their online store. The good news? You don’t need to show a receipt to get in on this settlement. If you bought from Shutterfly, you might be eligible for some compensation.

Who Is Eligible For The Shutterfly False Referencing Lawsuit
If you bought something from between April 1, 2018, and August 25, 2023, and thought you were getting a sweet deal because of an advertised discount, you might be part of the settlement gang. The deal is, you haven’t gotten a refund or credit for that purchase. If that’s you, you could be in for some compensation. No need for a fancy receipt – just your good old memory of grabbing a deal.
How Much Is The Settlement
Shutterfly is doing the classic “deny, but let’s just settle this” move. They’re saying, “We didn’t do anything wrong, but fine, let’s end this drama.” Now, if you’re part of the class (those who bought something with an advertised discount), and you fill out a simple form, you could get a voucher worth up to $25 for your next Shutterfly shopping spree. If you’re a bit slow and miss the form deadline, don’t worry – they’ll still throw in a $5 voucher your way.
Rivali v. Shutterfly LLC, et al., Case No. 2:22-cv-02175-RGK-GJS, is not scam. Just like Hello Toothpaste False Advertising Lawsuit If you bought something from between April 1, 2018, and August 25, 2023, and thought you were getting a sweet deal because of an advertised discount, you might be part of the settlement gang. The deal is, you haven’t gotten a refund or credit for that purchase. If that’s you, you could be in for some compensation. No need for a fancy receipt – just your good old memory of grabbing a deal.