Purime Collagen Firming Mask – Does it Work? Honest Review

Do you want to buy PuriMe Korean Collagen firming mask? Do you fear it’s another fad anti-aging mask? Is Purime a scam or does it really get rid of fine lines and wrinkles? Read this review to find out everything you need to know about Purime.

Our Review serves as an eyeopener. We hope it meets you well, and on time.

Purime Korean Collagen Firming Mask: What is it?

it is a firming mask that can be applied before bed or during the day time. Also called Korean Collagen Sleeping mask, it contains an anti-aging serum that restores full moisture to the skin all day long. The collagen ingredient makes it the perfect solution for wrinkles, fine line, and lost cheek volume. We all know collagen plays a role in strengthening skin, as well as in elasticity and hydration.

Sounds interesting right? Could it really smoothen and tighten the skin? Lets find out!

How To Use

  • Clean your face gently with a gentle cleaner.
  • Pat your face dry
  • Apply the cream in gentle upward stroke or circular motions by using your fingers (avoid areas close to your eyes)
  • Also apply on your neck

What we Like about PuriMe

  • It is available on Amazon, eBay, and other known e-commerce stores.
  • It’s quite affordable

What we Don’t Like

  • The reviews and advertisement contain fake Before and After photos. When we checked the images used on, we discovered it has been used by countless weight loss products.
  • It has a 1.5 rating on Amazon, showing customers were not satisfied with the outcome.
  • The product direction is written in Chinese.

Does Purime Korean Collagen Firming Mask Really Work?

According to majority of users, Purime doesn’t actually work like the pictures shown online. Purime collagen firming wash-free mask does not magically remove wrinkles or fine lines.

A lot of beauty celebrities have labelled the product a complete ‘BS’. The only positive thing about PuriMe is that it hydrates the skin and keeps it moisturized all through the night. Aside that, it does not clear wrinkles as videos online suggest.

The bottom line: As with anything that sounds too good to be true, your best bet is to wait for real reviews before investing your time and money.


Just like Green Mask Stick, Purime appears to be a fad anti-aging mask. It’s not possible that you’d get rid of wrinkles just by applying Purime firming mask. You’d only notice few changes after using it for weeks.

Have you bought Purime Korean firming mask, What are your experiences so far? Please share on the comment section!

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  1. I bought it. And I really liked it. So I bought it again when I ran out. It doesn’t do anything for lines or wrinkles. That’s all a bunch a bs. But I like to use it as a moisturizer. It absorbed well into my skin. It has a sorta cucumber, aloe Vera gel scent. Not strong. I will buy it again when this runs out because I do really like it. But I don’t believe the hype they throwing out there. It’s just a moisturizer.

  2. I love it I find it really reduced the deep ness of my deep wrinkles and other fine lines. My skin looks way more hydrated! I’m a beauty therapist and we all know nothing can get rid of wrinkles but this definitely helps make your skin look a lot better reducing my wrinkle appearance. Will buy again.

  3. I like the product, it feels soothing on the skin once applied and absorbs quickly. In the morning after using it I notice my skin in softer than it normally is in the morning. It didn’t cost much and it is a good product.

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