Pro Football Hall Of Fame Settlement: Scam? What You Must Know

Did you receive the Pro Football Hall Of Fame Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

In case you didn’t know, The Pro Football Hall of Fame settled a lawsuit because they canceled the 2016 game.

Who Is Eligible For The Pro Football Hall Of Fame Settlement

Basically, if you got tickets for the 2016 NFL Pro Football Hall of Fame game between the Packers and Colts, and you haven’t been reimbursed yet, there’s some good news for you. The folks who organized the game canceled it because of bad field conditions. The people who had tickets said that this cancellation broke their agreement, and they’re now offering a settlement to those who haven’t gotten their money back yet.

How Is Settlement

Refundable amounts include up to $250 per ticket. Reimbursement for travel is possible, with a cap of $600. Coverage for hotel expenses reaches up to $289 per night. Reimbursement for transportation costs extends up to $100. If utilizing personal vehicles, a reimbursement of $0.54 per mile is applicable.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible fill out a valid form before the deadline. The timeframe is between Oct. 9, 2023.

If you are eligible, fill out a form here.


In conclusion, Treviso v. National Football Museum Inc. d/b/a Pro Football Hall of Fame, Case No. 5:17-cv-00472-CAB lawsuit is not a scam. Just like Iowa Board Of Regents settlement, The people who had tickets said that this cancellation broke their agreement, and they’re now offering a settlement to those who haven’t gotten their money back yet.

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