Metahorizon Investment Scam Exposed: How To Avoid This Ponzi Scheme

MetaHorizon Investment is getting noticed for offering high returns with low risk. but it’s actually a scam. This review exposes this scheme.

What Is the Metahorizon Investment Scam

So MetaHorizon Investment is claiming to be a real money-spinner with low risk. Sounds great, right? But here’s the thing: there are some serious accusations that it might be a Ponzi scheme in the Philippines. You know, those schemes where they use new investors’ money to pay off the older ones, making it look like everyone’s making a fortune. But in reality, it’s just smoke and mirrors.

One big red flag is their promise of crazy high annual returns, like 15-25%, with barely any risk. That’s just not how legit investments work. When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. So, before jumping in, be super cautious and do your research. Promises of mega profits with zero risk are usually a sign that something fishy’s going on.

Is The MetaHorizon Investment Real or Fake: How to Identify a Fake MetaHorizon Investment Scam

  1. Too Good to Be True Returns: They’re promising 15-25% annual returns with almost no risk, which just doesn’t sound real in the investment world.
  2. Dodgy Website Design: Take a look at their website – it’s kind of a mess with errors and looks like it was thrown together in a hurry. Legit companies usually make polished sites.
  3. No Oversight or Regulation: Here’s the biggie – they don’t seem to have any official oversight or regulation from financial authorities. That’s a big red flag that something’s not right.

Tips To Avoid Being Scammed

To dodge the health subsidy scam or any other type of scam

  1. Be careful with unexpected emails and video graphics about refunds. If they look weird, have mistakes, or come from strange addresses, watch out.
  2. Don’t click any links or download stuff from these emails. They could be bad news.
  3. Check if it’s real by contacting the real folks through their official website or customer service.
  4. Keep your computer safe with antivirus updates and system updates. it keeps scammers away.

Steps To Take If You Have Been Scammed

  1. Contact your bank or credit card issuer immediately.
  2. Inform your bank or credit card issuer about the unauthorized transaction and request a chargeback.
  3. Change your online passwords: If you have shared your password with the scammer, change your password immediately.
  4. Also be sure to use a strong and unique password for each account.
  5. Report the scam: You can report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local law enforcement agency.
  6. Check your credit report: Monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity.
  7. Stay vigilant: Be alert for any other phishing scams or suspicious emails, and do not share any sensitive information.


To sum it up, MetaHorizon Investment is making some pretty bold claims, like super high returns with very little risk. But remember, those promises don’t align with how legit investments work. Just like The $6,400 Health Subsidy Scam, their website doesn’t inspire confidence, and the fact that they’re not regulated raises serious concerns. So, before you think about investing, do your homework and be cautious.

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