Is Charles Barkley Keto Gummies A Scam? What You Must Know

Do Keto Gummies work for weight loss? One of such product that has been making rounds online is Charles Barkley Keto Weight Loss Gummies?. Sadly, the ads are not real.

Over the past few days, rumors have been circulating that Charles Barkley, former NBA player and current analyst on TNT’s ‘Inside the NBA’, is leaving the show. While fans of the program are devastated to hear the news, there are also concerns that this may be a scam to promote keto gummies. IHowever, it is important to know that these ads are a scam and that the weight loss gummies are not an effective or safe method for weight loss.

Why It’s A Scam

Charles Barkley has not endorsed any Keto weight loss gummies. The claims online are part of a scam targeting individuals who are looking for quick weight loss solutions. In fact Charles Barkley is warning fans against falling victim to companies using his name and image to sell weight loss products. He explicitly said he has not sold or endorsed any products advertised as ‘Keto Gummies’.

The Keto gummies scam is a recent scam penetrating the internet. Dishonest companies use the visual/audio representations of well-known celebrities to sell their products. Just like Trisha Yearwood Keto Gummies, Shark Tank’s CBD gummies and Elon musk CBD gummies, these celebrities have nothing to do with keto gummies.

Reasons Why This Keto Gummies Do Not Work Charles Barkley Weight Loss Gummies?

Lack Of Research On Effectiveness Of Keto Gummies

There is little to no research on the effectiveness of keto gummies, including Dr Oz keto gummies. Most of the research on the benefits of keto supplements is limited to animal studies or small, inconclusive studies with humans. There is no conclusive evidence that keto supplements such as Charles Barkley Keto Gummies can promote weight loss.

False Claims

The product is being sold with deceptive marketing. Lots of celebrities have had their images and videos being used to mislead buyers. Meanwhile, The scammers claimed that Kelly Osbourne, Rachael Ray, and Wendy Lopez all took the alleged “amazing miracle pill”. In reality, the gummies are not behind the weight loss been targets of this kind of scam.

Negative Reviews

Like lulutox and tons of other weight loss supplements/gummies, consumers have left reviews online stating that they didn’t lose a single pound. In some cases, it made them add weight.

Better Alternatives To Weight Loss Keto Gummies?

If you’re thinking of an effective way to lose weight. The first thing you should think of doing is;

Adding cardio exercises to your Workout routine

I recommend walking, as it did wonders for me. For best results, try to fit in at least 20–40 minutes of daily — or about 150–300 minutes per week. Other forms of cardio that are as much effective as walking are; jogging, boxing, biking, swimming, etc. They can boost weight loss fast.

Cut Down On Refined Carbs

Replace refined carbs like white bread, breakfast cereals, and heavily processed packaged foods with whole grain products like quinoa, oats, brown rice, and barley.

Eat More Of Fiber And Protein

Fiber is a nutrient that moves through your body undigested, helping to stabilize blood sugar, slow stomach emptying, and keep you feeling full longer. Meanwhile, increasing your intake of protein can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite and cutting your calorie consumption.

How To Spot A Scammy Weight Loss Ad

Scammy weight loss ads are rampant on the internet. Additionally, These ads usually make exaggerated claims, use fake pictures, and testimonials to lure in unsuspecting customers. To avoid falling for these ads, you should watch out for some red flags.

  • Unrealistic weight loss claims.
  • Before-and-after pictures that look fake or are not of the same person
  • Testimonials that cannot be verified
  • Lack of information on the ingredients and possible side effects.
  • No mention of the importance of diet and exercise


In conclusion, The weight loss gummies promoted by Garth Brooks are a scam, and there is no evidence to support the claims made about them. Additionally, The most effective way to lose weight is through a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, It is important to be wary of any weight loss products that make unrealistic claims or are not regulated by the FDA.


1. Why are there rumors that Charles Barkley is leaving ‘Inside the NBA’?

The rumors started to circulate after Charles Barkley made a comment during one of the show’s segments, but nothing has been officially confirmed.

2. When did Charles Barkley become a television analyst for TNT’s ‘Inside the NBA’?

Charles Barkley became a television analyst for TNT’s ‘Inside the NBA’ after his retirement from the NBA in 2000.

3. What is the reason for Charles Barkley’s supposed departure from ‘Inside the NBA’?

No reason has been given for Charles Barkley’s supposed departure from ‘Inside the NBA’, as nothing has been officially confirmed.

4. What are keto gummies?

Keto gummies are a type of candy that is low in carbohydrates and sugar and is designed to be consumed as part of a ketogenic diet.

5. Where can I find more information about TNT’s ‘Inside the NBA’?

You can find more information about TNT’s ‘Inside the NBA’ on their official website and social media platforms.

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