Assistance Fee Settlement: Is It A Legit Class Settlement? Find Out
Did you receive the Assistance Fee Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.
There’s this class action settlement on the table to settle things between customers and AGA Service Company (aka Allianz Global Assistance), Jefferson Insurance Company, and BCS Insurance Company, they’re the “Defendants” in this lawsuit.
Assistance Fee is the settlement administrator for the Alinaz Global Assistance Class Action otherwise called Elgindy et al. v. AGA Service Co. et al., Case No. 4:20-cv-06304-JST (N.D. Cal.)
Tasakos v. AGA Service Co. et al., Case No. 2:22-cv-00433-RSM.

Who Is Eligible The Assistance Fee Settlement
If you bought an Allianz Travel or Event Protection Plan within specific dates and your payment included Assistance Fees, you might be eligible for the Assistance Fee Settlement. This means you could get some cash back. Just follow the instructions provided to submit a claim and see if you qualify for a payment from the settlement.
How Do I Fill A Claim Form
Fill out a claim form here.
If you have questions about the settlement, you can reach out to the Settlement Administrator. You can send them a letter at Assistance Fee Settlement Administrator, 1650 Arch Street, Suite 2210, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Alternatively, you can write them an email at [email protected] or give them a ring at 1-844-665–0015.
How Much Is The Settlement
If you got a California plan, you could get 75% of Assistance Fees for purchases up to July 31, 2019, and 40% for later purchases until September 30, 2023. If it’s a Washington plan, it’s 75% for fees up to April 7, 2020, and 40% for fees until September 30, 2023.
Your rights in this settlement include:
- Get Cash Payment:
- Submit a claim to receive some cash from the settlement.
- Opt-Out:
- Choose to exclude yourself from the settlement and the legal actions. You won’t get any cash, but you keep your right to bring or join another lawsuit.
- File an Objection:
- If you’re not happy with something in the settlement, you can write to the Court about it. Make sure to do this before the objection deadline.
- Do Nothing:
- If you don’t take any action, you won’t get any cash from the settlement, and you’ll be out of the whole settlement process.
Assistance fee settlement is not a scam but a legit website settlement administrator for the Allianz Global Assistance Class Action Settlement. If you bought an Allianz Travel or Event Protection Plan within specific dates and your payment included Assistance Fees, you might be eligible for the Assistance Fee Settlement. This means you could get some cash back.