Amazon Casino Apps Class Lawsuit: Is It Legit? Read This To Find Out

Did you receive the Amazon Casino Apps Class Lawsuit email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim. Inc. profits from addictive social casino apps even though it knows they are illegal under Washington state’s gambling laws, according to a class action lawsuit filed Nov. 10 in Washington federal court.

Amazon Casino Apps Class Lawsuit
Amazon Casino Apps Class Lawsuit

Who Eligible For Amazon Casino Apps Lawsuit

Amazon’s in hot water as a class action lawsuit alleges they’re raking in profits from addictive social casino apps, fully aware that these digital delights violate Washington state’s gambling laws. Also, The lawsuit claims a collaboration between Las Vegas slot machine makers and tech startups birthed these apps, playable on tablets, smartphones, and browsers.

How Much Is The Settlement

The lawsuit claims that consumers splurged around $6 billion on social casino chips in 2020 alone!. Also Amazon, playing the house, apparently snags a cool 30% commission on every wager, raking in billions in revenue from these casino apps. The lawsuit throws shade, accusing Amazon of being well-aware that they’re breaking Washington’s gambling laws but shamelessly promoting and profiting from the apps.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form when it is available.


In conclusion, Steven Horn v. Inc., Case No. 2:23-cv-01727, is not scam. Just like the Dollar Bank Data Breach Lawsuit, The lawsuit claims that consumers splurged around $6 billion on social casino chips in 2020 alone!.

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