Does U Relax Drink Truly Calm your nerves? U Calming Co Reviews (2024)

Hey! Do you want to give U Relax Calming powder by U Calming Co a try? You must have come across a handful of articles and seemingly good reviews about this calming drink. As tempting and real the reviews are, lots of people would promote anything if they’re being paid.

This is why we’ve written a genuine unsponsored review, highlighting all you need to know about this product; the good, bad and the ugly. We’ll also share some real customer reviews so you’ll get an idea of what real users think of this product.

Is The U Relax Drink Right For You?

If you’re considering buying U Relax Calming Powder, here’s a TL; DR about What it really is and what you should expect.

  • Texture? Powder
  • Flavors? Mixed berry & Pineapple
  • Benefits? Stress relief, reduce anxiety, sleep better.
  • Ingredients? Noble Kava, Ashwagandha, Chamomile, L-Theanine, Lemon Balm.

U Relax Drink Safety Concerns

It’s important to note that the main ingredient “Kava’ in U Relax Calming drink is dangerous. According to the FDA, Dietary supplements containing kava have been associated with severe liver injury. It also causes other mild side effects like skin rashes, nausea, stomach aches, drowsiness, and headaches.

Meanwhile, there’s no proof on the brand’s website to show that the product was clinically tested before released to the public. This is a cause for great concerns as there has been individual reports about the toxicity in Kava drinks.

How Does U Relax Drink Work?

The ingredients contained in the drink (herb kava and other botanical ingredients) acts as a relaxant to the body. A glass of U Relax Calming shot helps the body relax, relieves stress, and triggers sleep. Dissecting the ingredients, this is what they do;

  1. Noble kava: works for relaxation & wellbeing
  2. Ashwagandha: for natural stress relief
  3. Chamomile: diminishes body stress
  4. L-Theanine: for natural calm & focus
  5. Lemon Balm: to reduce agitation

U Relax Drink Effectiveness

A user has this to say about the efficiency of U Calming Co drink “The two flavors worked in  taking the edge off without making me groggy. I also had no problem falling asleep later at night. I think it’s a better alternative to alcohol. You can actually replace alcohol with U relax drink if you’re trying to quit taking alcohol

Where To Buy U Relax Drink?

U Relax drink by U Calming company is available for purchase on It is not available on Amazon yet. If you’re thinking of buying from Amazon, you’ll only get similar relaxing products but not this exact U Relax calming powder.

Exploring The Pros and Cons


  • All the ingredients are listed and researched
  • Reduces stress & anxiety


  • It is quite pricey compared to other calming supplements.
  • Contains Kava which may harm the liver
  • Side effects
  • Not clinically tested
  • Negative review on the brand’s Trustpilot page

Should You Buy U Relax Drink by U Calming Co?

While there are reports of U Relax Drink being effective, potential buyers should take note of adverse side effects associated with the product. There are other alternatives to Ü Relax which do not contain the harmful ingredient ‘Kava’.

Here are some relaxing teas and supplements worth trying;

  • Natural Vitality Calm: Contains Ionic magnesium citrate, Organic raspberry and lemon flavors and organic stevia.
  • Recess Mood Calming Beverage ($28 on Amazon): Contains magnesium L-threonate, L-theanine, Strawberry Rose, Raspberry Lemon, Lime Citrus and Grapefruit Tangerine.


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