Is SEIU data breach settlement Legit? Find Out

Was your data breached as a result of using SEIU data services?. Did you receive an email about Mateo, et al. v. Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ,class action lawsuit ? It is not a scam, you received this mail because you filed a claim for the SEIU data breach settlement

What Is The Mateo, et al. v. Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ, All About

So there’s this organization called the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and they had a data breach in 2021. Basically, some unauthorized people got access to the personal information of the union members. It’s like someone breaking into a locked room and getting hold of things they shouldn’t have.

Now, to make things right, the SEIU has agreed to pay a settlement amount of $550,000. This settlement is meant to resolve any claims that the union failed to protect its members’ information properly. It’s like a way of saying sorry and trying to fix the situation.

Who is eligible for SEIU Data Breach Settlement

Now, the good news is that the SEIU is taking responsibility for what happened. They’re trying to make things right by announcing a settlement. A settlement is like an agreement to resolve any claims or issues related to the breach. In this case, the SEIU has agreed to pay a total of $550,000 as part of that settlement.

This settlement is meant to benefit the individuals whose personal information may have been compromised in the data breach.

How To File A Claim for the SEIU data breach settlement

If you want to get a settlement payment, make sure to fill out a valid claim form on Aug. 23, 2023. That’s the deadline, so don’t miss it!

If you are eligible for the claim click here

How much is the settlement

So, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) hasn’t said that they did anything wrong, but they’ve decided to settle a lawsuit related to the data breach. Settlement means that they’ve agreed to pay a sum of $550,000 to resolve the lawsuit.

Basically, by settling, the SEIU is trying to put an end to the legal case without admitting any fault or wrongdoing. It’s like reaching an agreement to avoid going through a long and expensive court process.


You can submit your claim to the website just like Louisville Jefferson Class Action Lawsuit and other class action law suits we have reviewed.
Do not submit a fraudulent claim by doing so you will be harming other eligible class action members.

One Comment

  1. Where do I go find prove of the documentation of this claim. I have to have this in by August 27th 2023.

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