Perfect Homes Facebook Competition Scam – Beware!

Have you come across the Facebook post by Perfect Homes that claims it is giving away a 3 bedroom detached home’? Read this review to find out what you should know about this competition.

Perfect Homes Facebook Competition- Scam or Legit?

We have been receiving mails from readers, bearing screenshots of posts and pictures from a page on Facebook which claims it is giving away a 3 bedroom detached house or £150,000 in cash.

The Perfect Homes Competition Works this way-

You only have to Like, Comment below, and share.

This might look so convincing, and make you think that your dreams are about to be realized. However, there’s something quite fishy about this competition.

This review is going to show you why Perfect Homes Facebook Competition is likely a scam.

Perfect Homes Facebook Scam- How It Works!

The “Perfect Homes Facebook Competition” is a Facebook Like-Farming scam. It is a technique in which scammers create an eye-catching post designed to get many likes and shares. Posts often give people emotional reasons to click, like, and share, such as adorable animals, the promise to win big, etc.

Like other Like Farming Scams, the 3 bedroom prize that is been offered by Perfect Homes is not real. It is currently up for sale in Northern Ireland. The home is listed on Propertypal for £192,500.

This proves that the Perfect Homes Facebook Competition is fake, and not real. Moreover, the Facebook page was created on 15th March 2021.

The aim of this so called competition is to make the ‘Perfect Homes’ page popular, with many likes and followers. Once the scammers reach their target number of likes, they strip the page’s original content and use it to promote spammy products. They may also resell the page on the black market. These buyers can use it to spam followers or harvest the information Facebook provides.

What Should You Do If You See A Competition Like This

No matter how convincing it sounds, you shouldn’t visit the links or partake in the competition. Sharing, commenting or liking the scam will only help to spread it to other Facebook users

The first thing you should do is ignore such messages, and look for reviews online about it.

Always remember that Legitimate companies do not ask their winners to send money or personal information in order to collect their prizes.

See similar Giveaway scams – Amazon Package Loyalty Reward, UKPepsi Lottery Scam, Eyeverify, Bath$Body Coupon, and many more.

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