Nsgames.pro Scam Exposed: A Fake Free Nintendo Website

Did you across the Nsgames.pro, thinking it was offering free Nintendo games, only to end up in a web of sketchy offers and surveys, with no free games in sight? It Is actually a scam website posing as the real deal, this review exposes their scheme.

What Is The Nsgames.Pro Scam

Nsgames.pro scam is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It pretends to be Nintendo, offers free games, asks for your personal info, and sends you into a maze of sketchy offers and surveys.

Here’s the deal: if you go to the site, and it looks like they’ve got full versions of cool Nintendo Switch games, just waiting for you to grab them for free.

But here’s where it gets sketchy. They’ve got this big ‘ “Get Free” button. When you click it, they ask for your email or Nintendo Network ID, making it sound like it’s just to add the game to your Nintendo account. So, after you’ve given them your email or Nintendo ID, they hit you with this fake notification that screams “Suspicious activity detected!” It tells you to prove you’re a human by hitting the “Verify” button if you want that game on your Nintendo account.

But here’s where it takes a nasty turn. Clicking that “Verify” button whisks you away to a sneaky site called appinstallcheck.com. It’s like a wolf in sheep’s clothing, using Nintendo’s logo to look legit.

Once you’re there, they’ll ask you to download apps, do surveys, sign up for sketchy stuff, or give away your personal info. But here’s the kicker – none of it gets you any free games. It’s all a scam dance designed to spread malware, swipe your personal data, and make some quick cash for the folks behind nsgames.pro. So, steer clear of this mess to keep your online world safe.

Is The Legit? Red Flags That Show Its a Scam

  1. Looks Legit: The website goes all out to pretend it’s Nintendo or a fancy partner. They use Nintendo logos, characters, and stuff to look official.
  2. Free Games Bait: They promise you free Nintendo Switch, 3DS, and classic console games. Free games sound awesome, right?
  3. Personal Info Ask: To get those games, they ask for your email or other personal stuff. It’s a trap.
  4. Fake Verification: Then, they trick you with a fake “suspicious activity” notice. They say you need to do a survey or something to prove you’re human.
  5. Sketchy Offers: When you try to verify, they send you to some shady pages with offers and surveys. They want you to install weird apps, sign up for things, or give out credit card info.
  6. Malware Danger: Those offers can lead to you installing bad stuff, like malware or sneaky SMS subscriptions.
  7. Email Harvesting: They snatch up the emails you give them, and you might get phishing scams or spam.
  8. No Free Games: And here’s the kicker – after all this, you still don’t get those free games they promised. It’s all a big trick.

Tips To Avoid Being Scammed

To dodge the nsgames.pro scam and any other type of scam..

  1. Be careful with unexpected emails and video graphics about refunds. If they look weird, have mistakes, or come from strange addresses, watch out.
  2. Don’t click any links or download stuff from these emails. They could be bad news.
  3. Check if it’s real by contacting the real folks through their official website or customer service.
  4. Keep your computer safe with antivirus updates and system updates. it keeps scammers away.

Steps To Take If You Have Been Scammed

  1. Contact your bank or credit card issuer immediately.
  2. Inform your bank or credit card issuer about the unauthorized transaction and request a chargeback.
  3. Change your online passwords: If you have shared your password with the scammer, change your password immediately.
  4. Also be sure to use a strong and unique password for each account.
  5. Report the scam: You can report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local law enforcement agency.
  6. Check your credit report: Monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity.
  7. Stay vigilant: Be alert for any other phishing scams or suspicious emails, and do not share any sensitive information.


In conclusion, nsgames.pro scam is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It pretends to be Nintendo, offers free games, asks for your personal info, and sends you into a maze of sketchy offers and surveys. It’s all a scam just like The $6,400 Health Subsidy to spread malware, grab your emails for phishing, and make you do stuff for nothing – no free games in the end.


  1. Are there legit websites for free Nintendo Switch games?
    • No, sites offering free Nintendo Switch games are usually scams. Legit sources require you to buy games.
  2. Is nsgames.pro a real site for free games?
    • No, it’s a scam. They promise free games but trick you into surveys and give no games.
  3. Do these free game sites work?
    • No, they’re scams. They lie to you and try to take your info.
  4. Can I really get free Nintendo games without paying?
    • Official free games come from Nintendo. Be wary of sites promising freebies.
  5. How to spot a scam site for free games?
    • If they ask for personal info, send you to surveys, and don’t give games, it’s a scam.

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