Is Amazon Schumann Settlement A Scam? See Details!

Have you received an email about Amazon Schumann Settlement? A Settlement about All hourly Operations employees of Amazon working in Oregon during the class period of April 16, 2019 through October 12, 2020. Do you want to find out if the email of this class action settlement is legit? Keep reading for more details.

What Is Amazon Schumann Settlement Law Suit About?

It is an allegation against Amazon for not paying the Plaintiff and Class Members any and/or all wages due at any time during the Class Period. But Amazon specifically denies that it failed to comply with Oregon wage and hour laws. Amazon asserted and continues to assert defenses to the claims, and expressly denied and continues to deny any wrongdoing or legal liability arising out of any of the facts or conduct alleged in the Case.

After much deliberation, Amazon has, therefore, agreed to settle this Case in the manner and upon the Settlement terms in order to put to rest the claims that were or could have been asserted in the Case

What Does The Settlement Provide?

It Provides up to $16,000,000.00 for all payments to Class Members, the Service Payment, Settlement Administration, employee and employer shares of applicable payroll tax payments, and Class Counsel’s Attorney Fees and Cost Award, allocated as follows and all subject to Court approval.

They will be given settlement award- Group A receives Settlement Award of $48.70 for the alleged unpaid wages in the Case. Group A members do not need to submit a Claim Form to receive this amount.

While Group B are eligible to submit a Claim Form to receive an additional settlement award for $685.00 for the alleged penalty wages in the Case, which shall constitute part of their respective Settlement Awards. These individuals are also referred to as “Approved Claimants.

How To I Benefit From The Settlement?

If you qualify for Group B if, based on Amazon’s records, your employment with Amazon in Oregon ended during the class period of April 16, 2019 through October 12, 2020.

If you want to receive a Group B Settlement Award, you must submit a valid and timely Group B Claim FormThose class members who qualify for Group A only do not need to submit a claim form.

How Do I Exclude Myself From The Settlement?

Requests for exclusion in writing expressing your desire to be excluded from the Case and include: the case name and number, your full name and name while employed by Amazon, your current address, telephone number and last 4 digits of your social security number. To be valid and timely, your written request for exclusion must be mailed or emailed to on or before August 8, 2023

Amazon Schumann Settlement Administrator
P.O. Box 2007
Chanhassen, MN 55317-2007
Email: [email protected]

How Do I Object To The Settlement?

The objection must be a formal written statement objecting to the Settlement. The objection must include: your full name, your name while employed by Amazon (if different), your specific reason for objecting to the Settlement, whether you intend to appear and/or address the Court at the Final Approval Hearing, along with any and all documents that support your objection.

Notably, it is not sufficient to simply state that you object. You must give specific reasons why you believe the Settlement should not be approved.

For complete instructions for objections, please refer to the Notice.

What Happens On The Final Approval Hearing?

If the Settlement is not approved, the Case will proceed as if no settlement had been attempted. In that event, Amazon retains the right to contest whether the Case should be maintained as a class action and to contest the merits of the claims being asserted in this Case. If the Settlement is not approved, there can be no assurance that Class Members will recover more than is provided in the Settlement or anything at all.

How Do I Contact The Attorneys For The Class Action?

You can contact the attorneys at Schuck Law at: 208 E 25th Street Vancouver, WA 98663; by phone (360) 566-9243, or by email at [email protected].

Final Verdict

Amazon Schumann Settlement is not a scam. It’s a legit settlement that has been authorized by a Federal Court and applies to All hourly Operations employees of Amazon working in Oregon during the class period of April 16, 2019 through October 12, 2020 (the “Class Period”).

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