Ihokashoes.store Reviews (2022) Legit Hoka Website?
Do you want to buy from running shoes Ihokashoes store ? Beware! It’s a scam offer. Ihokashoes.store is a fake Hoka website. This review exposes reasons why you shouldn’t shop from Ihokashoes.
Ihokashoes.store Legit Website?
It is not genuine, folks. Ihokashoes.store is a suspicious website pretending to be a HOKA brand online store. It’s selling HOKA shoes like women’s shoes, men shoes, running shoes, sneakers, etc. for ridiculous cheap prices. See the drawbacks of this website below –

Suspicious Email Address
Ihokashoes.store has provided its email address as “[email protected]”. Sadly, investigations showed the email is linked to fraudulent websites. This proves the store is among a chain of fake websites.
No Business Address:
There is no business address provided on the Contact Us page of ihokashoes.store website. There’s absolutely no way to know where the store is operating from.
Unrealistic Discounts:
The discounts on ihokasportshoes.store are too good to be true. Remember the saying ‘If it is too good to be true it isn’t true. Its unrealistic discounts is just a bait to make customers shop from the store.
Security Measures:
Ihokashoes.store isn’t risk-free, it isn’t secured with McAfee or Norton. The website is vulnerable to hackers who can tamper with customer’s personal and financial data. As a result of this, your credit card isn’t safe on the website.
From all indications, ihokashoes store is not an authentic online store. It has a poor trust score, and as such not recommended by us.
Just like IGoodGames, BlackFridayGameLive, Clarkscanada, GreenworksOutlet,kesslove and other suspicious sites, customers wouldn’t receive the items they ordered.
Have you been scammed?- Do This
Shopping from this store exposes customers to the risk of hacked credit card and overcharged fees. Also, customers would either receive an inferior item, a different cheaper item, or nothing at all.
Therefore, it is advised to file complaints to your bank and request for a new credit (debit) card. On the other hand, if you used Paypal as a method of payment, you should document (screenshot) the transactions for future purposes.
Yes, it is true that online shopping has made life easier, however when ordering things online check out the following-
How old is the website? Does it provide return address? Are there customer reviews online? Do the social media icons work?