Grant Aid Authority Scam on Facebook – Don’t Be A Victim

Beware of posts on Facebook claiming to have received grants from Grant Aid Authority, and asking you to click a link to get yours. It’s all a scam! This article exposes how this scam works, warning signs to look out for, and what to do if you fall victim to this Grant Aid Authority scam.

The fake Grant Aid Authority email

What Is The Grant Aid Authority Scam?

Grant Aid Authority is a government website and it’s not a scam however, scammers are using this name to scam people on Facebook. The scammers make too good to be true promises of approving government grants. However, it’s all a hoax.

The real Grant Aid Authority are not involved in any of this. The websites used is not the official US Grant website which is ‘

How The Grant Aid Authority Facebook Scam Works?

This scam starts with a Facebook post which contained a grant approval email from a fake ‘Grant Aid Authority’. Facebook users are told to click on the link attached to the post to request for grants. However, when you click on the link you’d be taken to a fake grant aid website.

You get curious and decide to explore further, they start by asking for personal info like your name, address, and even your precious social security number. And to make it sound all official, they request your bank account details to supposedly deposit the wonderful grant money. But that’s when the real scam starts.

Instead of getting that promised grant, your personal info now falls into the hands of these scammers. They can use it for identity theft or all sorts of fraudulent stuff. On top of that, they might even ask you to pay a small fee or hand over a prepaid card to “process” the grant. But in reality, they’re just grabbing your cash and vanishing into thin air.

List of Fake Grant Aid Authority Websites

The websites involved in this scam are;,

How To Avoid The Grant Aid Authority Facebook Scam

Verify The Legitimacy

It’s essential to verify the legitimacy of any organization that comes your way. Don’t let your guard down, and make sure your financial safety comes first.

Beware Random Friend Requests and Unsolicited Messages:

If you’re suddenly getting friend requests or messages from unknown people claiming to represent the Grant Aid Authority, it’s time to be cautious. These scammers love to hide behind fake profiles and pretend to be something they’re not.

Don’t Share Your Personal and Financial Information

If anyone starts asking for sensitive info like your Social Security number or bank account details on social media, that’s a massive red flag. Legit organizations would never do that through Facebook or any social platform.

Don’t Pay Upfront Fees

Grant applications are usually free as they are sourced at the federal or state/county level with public funds. Asking for an application fee is the number-one way scammers make their money.When they make you those too-good-to-be-true promises of guaranteed grant money or request an upfront payment, know that it’s a potential scam waiting to happen. So always be on guard.

What To Do If You Have Been Scammed

  1. Contact your bank or credit card issuer immediately.
  2. Inform your bank or credit card issuer about the unauthorized transaction and request a chargeback.
  3. Change your online passwords: If you have shared your password with the scammer, change your password immediately.
  4. Also be sure to use a strong and unique password for each account.
  5. Report the scam: You can report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) or your local law enforcement agency.
  6. Check your credit report: Monitor your credit report for any suspicious activity.
  7. Stay vigilant: Be alert for any other phishing scams or suspicious emails, and do not share any sensitive information.


The Grant Aid Authority scam is just one fish in a big sea of government scams happening all the time. These scammers pose as genuine government agencies and work hard to trick regular people into handing over their personal info and cash.

Stay sharp online and do not allow those too good to be true promises entice you.

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