DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Mask Review: Reduce Dark Circles In Just 15 minutes? Find Out

Are you looking for a solution to reduce the appearance of dark circle and puffiness? Did you come across DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks? Curious to know if its offerings is the right fit for your skincare needs? Find out

In this review, I’ll share my experience buying and using this serum on my face and help you decide if its worth your money.

Overview Of The DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks

Brightening Eye Masks by DRMTLGY claims to refresh tired eyes using hyaluronic acid, caffeine, and niacinamide. The manufacturers claim that this eye mask can hydrate, reduce wrinkles, and diminish dark circles. Struggling with eye bags and wrinkles myself, I decided to give it a try.

The ingredients include

  • Caffeine: Helps reduce puffiness and rejuvenate tired eyes.
  • Niacinamide: Works to improve the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Provides intense hydration to the delicate under-eye area.
  • Aloe Leaf Extract: Soothes and moisturizes the skin.
  • Blueberry Extract: Known for its antioxidant properties.
  • Watermelon Extract: Adds hydration and refreshes the skin.

And a bunch of other ingredients

My Experience Using DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks On My Eye Bag And Wrinkles

So, I was super skeptical about this eye mask, but those before-and-after photos on Reddit got me hooked. Amazon delivered it right on time, and I couldn’t wait to try it.

First go , it did what it promised and got rid of those pesky eye bags. But then, here comes the twist – every time I used it afterward, it felt like the product went all dry or something, even though I followed the instructions to a T.

Here’s the kicker: my face started out all clean and dry, and yeah, I did see some smoothing action, but then it dried up like a super tight mask. As for my wrinkles? Well, I’m still waiting to see if they’ll give up and disappear.

DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Mask Pros: What I Find Fascinating

  • It worked like magic on my eye bags at first. Seriously, impressive!
  • Arrived on time, just as expected.
  • Easy to apply, and those before-and-after pics got me all excited.

DRMTLGY Eye Mask Cons: What I Don’t Fancy

  • After the first use, it seemed like the product dried up or something.
  • Left my face feeling pretty tight, like a mask, which was kind of uncomfortable just like Plexaderm anti-aging solution.
  • As for my wrinkles, well, they’re still playing hard to get.
  • I didn’t see enough customer reviews online about it

Does DRMTLGY Brightening Eye Masks Work?

Yes it works but after you put it on your face, you’ve got to play the waiting game for a few minutes before removing it. Also you should knowt it takes a bit of to start working and oh it won’t get rid of your wrinkles as claimed so don’t set your expectations sky -high on that front. And one more nugget of wisdom: don’t go overboard with it. Less is often more with this stuff in my experience it made my face a little dry.

Directions On How To Use

  1. Use the spatula to separate the masks.
  2. Apply them to clean, dry under-eyes.
  3. Leave them on for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Gently remove and discard the masks.
  5. Pat the remaining serum into the skin.
  6. You can use them daily, morning or night, or as often as you like.
  7. For a refreshing, depuffing effect, store them in the refrigerator.

Where To Buy

You can buy this product from their official website , Amazon Dupe and also on Sephora. The prices are different on these websites so its nest to check them out first.


In conclusion, Brightening Eye Masks by DRMTLGY claims to refresh tired eyes using hyaluronic acid, caffeine, and niacinamide. However as for my wrinkles, well, they’re still playing hard to get.


Q: How often should I use the DRMTLGY Eye Masks? A: You can use these eye masks daily, either in the morning or at night, or as often as you prefer.

Q: Are these eye masks suitable for all skin types? A: Yes, these eye masks are good for all skin types.

Q: Do the eye masks help with dark circles? A: Yes, the combination of ingredients, including caffeine and niacinamide, can help reduce the appearance of dark circles.

Q: How long should I leave the eye masks on? A: Leave the eye masks on for 10-15 minutes, then remove and gently pat the remaining serum into your skin.

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