We Look Into Chooseyourcard.com: Legit Or Scam Gift Card Site?

Are you having issues redeeming your Chooseyourcard.com gift card? are you wondering if it is legit or a scam? Well, Chooseyourcard is not a scam. However it has lots of loopholes that makes it pretty much sketchy and tiresome to use.

One of the major issues people have with Chooseyourcard is that the gift card system has lots of complexities. For example, when you try to redeem the gift card it displays an error message that says you need to contact customer support.

However, the truth is that chooseyourcard.com works seamlessly on Edge browser. Lots of people were able to get their card redeemed on Edge after many futile attempts using Chrome.

The Good and Not-So-Great of ChooseYourcard.com

Chooseyourcard.com Pros: The Good

  1. Wide Variety: You get to choose from a bunch of different gift cards.
  2. Easy Cancellations: They let you cancel orders, which is cool if your plans suddenly change.
  3. Diverse Retailers: You can pick gift cards from different shops and brands.

Chooseyourcard.com Cons: The Not So Good

  1. Code Surprises: Some people say you can’t preview codes, risking getting expired or used gift cards.
  2. Store Limits: Watch out, because some shops might not accept the digital cards.
  3. International Hassles: If you’re ordering from outside, be ready for extra charges and slower deliveries.
  4. No Referee for Disputes: If there’s an issue with a code or service, there’s no middle person to step in.
  5. Change-of-Mind: You can cancel, but no compensation if you just change your mind.

Is Chooseyourcard.com legit Or Scam

It’s not automatically a scam, but because it deals with money, there are lots of loopholes about the website. Lots of people have complained of receiving an error message whenever they want to use the gift card. Trying to redeem the virtual card is also another hassle on its own.

Scam Alert: Shady Stuff with Chooseyourcard.com

Phishing Scams

  1. There are fake emails acting like they’re from ChooseYourCard.com, asking for personal info. Sketchy, right?
    • Clicking on the links in these emails might just bring unwanted software.

Texting Tricks

  1. They will send you bogus SMS messages causing drama, claiming order issues and trying to snatch credit card numbers.
    • They also fake the Caller ID to make it look all legit.

Impersonation Problems

  1. Watch out for those sneaky websites mimicking ChooseYourCard.com – they’re after your login details.
    • You might click on a coupon code and end up on a fake checkout page.

Dodgy Deals and Tech Support Tales

  1. The scammers act like they’re from the company, trying to get into your system remotely.
    • Also there are these third-party schemes promising crazy returns.

How to Use Your Choosyourcard.com Gift Card

  1. Reveal the PIN:
    • Flip that card and scratch off the back to uncover the secret pin.
  2. Type in the pin:
    • Enter those details you just revealed.
  3. Pick Your eGifts:
    • Choose the stuff you want from the participating shops.
  4. Get Ready for Email:
    • Your eGifts are on the way! Keep an eye on your email.
  5. Shop:
    • Once you have those eGifts, go ahead and start shopping online or hit the stores.


ChooseYourCard.com lets you send digital gifts, but it’s not foolproof. There’s a risk of scams, so be cautious. Do your research, use common sense, and you can probably navigate it smoothly. Keep an eye out, and you should be okay.

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