ACI Nationstar $10.55M Settlement: Is It A Legit Class Settlement? All You Need To Know

Did you receive the ACI Nationstar $10.55M Settlement email? It is not a scam. You received the mail because you filed a claim.

ACI Payments and Nationstar Mortgage are saying, “Alright, let’s settle this class action.” Why? Because there were some rumblings about incorrect ACH debits on accounts connected to Nationstar mortgages. They’re trying to sort things out with a cool $10.55 million.

Who Is Eligible For The ACI Nationstar $10.55M Settlement

It’s basically anyone in the U.S. whose mortgages were or are being taken care of by Nationstar and who had to deal with those pesky incorrect debits.

Here’s the backstory: ACI and its partners are in hot water for apparently messing up some ACH debits and credits in folks’ bank accounts. This hiccup happened with mortgage loans managed by Nationstar Mortgage, right between April 23 and 26, 2021.

How Much Is The Settlement

Nationstar Mortgage is now strutting around with the new name “Mr. Cooper” and they’ve got a big family of over 9,000 employees nationwide, working with a whopping 3.8 million homeowners.

Then, we’ve got ACI Worldwide in the mix. They’ve got around 4,000 folks on their team and offices spread across 23 countries, making a cool $1.42 billion in revenue back in 2022.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. They’ve set up three funds as part of this ACH settlement:

  • Fund A has $5 million in the pot. Each valid claimant might pocket a cool $100 from this fund. But hold on, if too many folks come forward, the payouts might get smaller. They’ll also shave off some cash for attorney fees and other costs.
  • Fund B is all about reimbursing valid claims of damages, like out-of-pocket expenses or losses from the incident. There’s no limit on the payouts here, which is pretty sweet.
  • Fund C throws in an extra $500,000, and they’re still deciding where this cash will go.

How To File A Claim

If you are eligible, fill out a valid claim form before the deadline on Nov. 13, 2023.

Click here to fill out a form.


Dugan, et al. v. Nationstar Mortgage LLC, et al., Case No. 1:21-cv-00341-TDS-JEP, is not a scam. Just like Louisville and Jefferson County lawsuit settlement.

Nationstar Mortgage is now strutting around with the new name “Mr. Cooper” and they’ve got a big family of over 9,000 employees nationwide, working with a whopping 3.8 million homeowners.

Then, we’ve got ACI Worldwide in the mix. They’ve got around 4,000 folks on their team and offices spread across 23 countries, making a cool $1.42 billion in revenue back in 2022.

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