Reviews: Don’t Be A Victim Of Productlistus Scam Store! is a scam website that lures customers with low prices of different items but when payments are made, the store fails to deliver the products. In rare cases when they do send the item, it’s often of poor quality, or look entirely different from the products on the website ( a classic case of… Reviews: Montisplay Scam Explained! Steer Clear! is a scam website that lures customers with low prices of Montessori toys etc. but when payments are made, the store fails to deliver the products. In rare cases when they do send the item, it’s often of poor quality, or look entirely different from the products on the website ( a classic case… Reviews: Beware Of This Fake Spirit Halloween website! is a scam Spirit Halloween website that lures customers with low prices of items for Halloween decoration but when payments are made, the store fails to deliver the products. In rare cases when they do send the item, it’s often of poor quality, or look entirely different from the products on the website (… Reviews: 5 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Bold-leaf Explained! is a scam website that lures customers with low prices of items like two piece top, necklace, short sleeve t-shirts etc. but when payments are made, the store fails to deliver the products. In rare cases when they do send the item, it’s often of poor quality, or look entirely different from the products… Reviews: Fake Air Jordan Store! Avoid At All Cost! is a fake Air Jordan website that lures customers with low prices of Air Jordan sneakers etc. but when payments are made, the store fails to deliver the products. In rare cases when they do send the item, it’s often of poor quality, or look entirely different from the products on the website (… Reviews: Cheap Clothing Scam – Don’t Be Tricked is scam website that entice buyers with pictures of quality clothes but delivers cheap imitation that look nothing like what’s displayed on the website. We investigated, below are reasons why It’s considered high risk and potential threat. Reasons Why You Should Steer Clear From Inferior Product Quality Shebelive com uses pictures of…

[email protected] Online Shop Scam: Beware!

[email protected]’ is an email address used by lots of fraudulent online stores. The network of online shopping sites lures buyers with discount but either delivers a cheap inferior item or nothing at all. They also engage in bait and switch scam, subscription scams, and identity theft. This kind of scam became rampant since the COVID-19…

Got A Prysmian Group Job Text? It’s A Scam! How To Spot This

Have you received a message from Shana a Recuitment Agent with Prysmian Group offering you an online remote job? Beware! It is a scam! The Prysmian Group Recruitment text has been reported by lots of recipients. It is a fake job recruitment offer that is not from Prysmian Group (a multinational company that deals in…

Received Interquest Group Recruitment Job Text? Its’ A Scam!

Have you received a message from Jessica for Interquest Group Recruitment offering you a flexible lucrative job opportunity? Beware! It is a scam! The Interquest Group Recruitment text has been reported by lots of recipients. It is a fake job recruitment offer that is not from InterQuest Group (a global job recruitment agency) How does…